For Floral Friday this week I am happy to share this Pink Plumeria. You may know this flower as frangipani which is also correct. This is my wife’s favorite flower, a beautiful flower which comes in several different colors and whose fragrance is among the sweetest of any flower I have enjoyed.

I captured this photo just after we completed a kayak-snorkel experience just off Kealakekua Bay on the Big Island of Hawaii. In the empty lot near where we parked our rental car there were several Plumeria bushes.

I love the variations of the pink on the flowers – with the two most open flowers a lighter pink with the yellow at the center of the flowers. And the two blossoms just opening up at right have such a strong and vivid pink – it’s a wonderful range of color. Even the stems seem to have taken on a red color.

I love the grouping of the flowers and the stems, that one big leaf behind the opening buds and the out of focus vegetation way behind the flower. I really enjoy taking advantage of a narrow depth of field and rendering the background in a soft focus when capturing a close-up on a plant or animal.