On our trip to Singapore last November we visited the Gardens by the Bay and there were plenty of plants and flowers that more than deserved a share (I took a lot of photos and some video). As I went back through my photos this particular one really caught my eye.

I believe this is a Rhododendron and reminds me of tropical flowers like Hibiscus. I love the multiple tones of color throughout the petals, am amazing blend of colors throughout each of the flowers in the shot. Usually I avoid flowers that look like they are beginning to wilt. This flower in front is interestingly different to me. The petals look vibrant still, but the pistil and stamens have begun wilting But even that works for me.

And I really like the background – the rich green plants behind in soft focus – as well as the lattice look of the greenhouse windows inside the Cloud Forest dome. This structure is just under 200’ at it’s highest (58 meters) with the tallest indoor waterfall (you can see some of the mist from the manmade mountain in the background).