Dallas08_0207Bring Chet Davis to your next company event or association meeting and allow him to inspire and enable your employees or members to maximize their tech capabilities.

I love helping my fellow experts and authors breakthrough their technology roadblocks, learn to use the appropriate tools and services, ease their overwhelm on the way to further success. It’s an audience I feel very much at home with since I too am a practicing expert and author of the forthcoming book Practicing Safe Tech “


[button-blue url=”” target=”_self” position=”Center”]HERE ARE SOME OF THE TOPICS THAT CHET CAN PRESENT TO YOUR GROUP:[/button-blue]

Using Your SmartPhone As Your Mobile Office

For lots of business people who are away from their office for part or most of the day, their SmartPhone can be a vital link… not only to their partners and assistant but also to their prospects and customers. In this presentation, Chet will demonstrate the apps and functions that will help you unleash the portable power available in your pocket or purse for your increased efficiency and
  • 8 apps that will make your love your SmartPhone as a business tool
  • Keeping your personal and company data secure
  • SmartPhone tricks that will impress even your boss.

This session can be offered as a Keynote Presentation, a break-out session, or as a half-day hands-on workshop.


Is Your Platform Safe?  Protecting your business, your tribe from hackers & piracy.


We start by understanding the potential risk associated with losing your digital key and explore the steps to pt into place tomorrow to safeguard your online properties from being sold without your consent or being locked out of your accounts.

  • Realize the massive risks to your personal and professional security that you’re likely exposing yourself to right now
  • What steps to take to make your online presence secure right away
  • Practical steps to put into practice to keep your growing platform safe from online hackers and intellectual property piracy.

This session can be offered as a Keynote Presentation or a break-out session.


Using an iPad As Your Computer

The iPad is rapidly becoming a viable alternative to needing a laptop for business people. Today’s iPads can perform so many of the functions that we have needed laptops to do in the past and they are more lightweight, more affordable, and provide more functions than a laptop can! In this presentation, Tech Expert Chet Davis will show you how an iPad can serve as a great replacement for a laptop computer.  
Among the topics presented:
  • Benefits of using an iPad contrasted with the applications or tasks you should still consider using a traditional computer for.
  • Foundational operations every tablet owner should know and do
  • And we’ll see some of Chet’s favorite applications that can make you more efficient in and out of the office.

This session can be offered as a Keynote Presentation, a break-out session, or can easily be developed into a half-day or full-day hands-on workshop.